A Harris's Hawk

Are There Good Animals to Have Around Your Home?

Wild animals and insects may all seem like dangerous creatures when they live around your home and local area. You may be surprised to discover that a few of them are actually good to keep around. Animals like hawks, frogs, and hedgehogs can help with pest control around your home and garden. Here is a handy guide about good animals to have around your home and which ones should be considered pests.

Bird's nest in a tree

When to Remove a Bird’s Nest

Birds are extremely busy in the springtime and have the job of mating, nest building and raising their young all in a few months time. It is important to pick the right time to remove a bird’s nest because you do not want to disrupt the development of the chicks or have to deal with their relocation.

Rat sitting on a sink

Damaged Caused by Rats to Your Home

Rats and mice are a common problem in homes across Austin, Texas. During the winter months, rats and mice will look for areas to nest and end up in many homes for the favorable temperature and predator-safe environment. Rats and mice will cause a lot of harm to your home by chewing through walls, insulation, and electrical wires, searching for food, and spreading disease through your home.