venomous snakes in texas

Anyone who lives in Texas knows that critters are a part of the land. This can include spiders and cockroaches as well as the more feared snakes. While many of these snakes are harmless and just travel through, this isn’t the case for them all. There are four types of venomous snakes that live in Texas that should be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, these can be difficult to identify if you’re not familiar with their appearances. To learn how to identify venomous snakes in Texas more easily, the information below can help.

Identifying Venomous Snakes in Texas


Copperhead snakes are natural carnivores that live off the land by eating insects, small birds, mice, and rats. These are one of the four venomous snakes in Texas, as they release a hemotoxic venom when they bite. This venom can damage human tissue, although it’s rarely fatal to humans. In general, these snakes stay hidden under wood boards and logs outdoors. Their copper color with dark brown spots gives them the unique ability to blend in with their surroundings, especially in wooded or leafy areas.


Cottonmouth snakes are the only venomous water snakes in all of North America, although they live both in water and on land. You can expect to see them near floodplains, wetlands, or swamps. While they can be aggressive, they will normally only bite when picked up or stepped on by accident. You can identify them by the white interior of their mouth (if you’re close enough), triangular heads, and dark color. The overall color will vary, with most young snakes having a yellow tip on their tail.


Rattlesnakes are some of the most venomous snakes in Texas, with a distinctive rattling tail that serves as a warning to predators. Since these snakes can survive in most environments, they can be located pretty much anywhere in Texas. However, they are most prevalent in grasslands or areas with a lot of brush and rocks. With extremely potent venom, it’s important to watch where you walk to avoid these snakes. They have thick bodies with patterns across their backs, including those with diamonds or hexagons. Their colors can range from gray to brown, with the biggest identifier being the rattling tail.

Coral Snakes

Colorful snakes can be deceiving because they can appear friendly and fun. While many are not dangerous, this isn’t the case with coral snakes. These vibrantly colored snakes are highly poisonous, with bites that require immediate medical attention because their venom can be fatal. While reclusive in nature, they can be found near rivers, farmland, grassland, and deserts. They are easily identified by their yellow, red, and black bands. Some non-venomous snakes, such as the scarlet snake, can share similar coloring, so it’s important not to come near any snakes that share a close appearance.

What to do if You See Venomous Snakes in Texas

Avoid engaging the snake at all costs by staying calm and walking away. Avoid making sudden movements or going closer to avoid the impression of a threat. If you find a snake on your property, have a professional remove it as soon as possible to ensure you don’t run into it again.