house lizard hiding in wall

House lizards can sometimes find their way into your house, especially if you live in the state of Texas. Two common species of lizards have been identified, one of which is the common house gecko. You can recognize the house gecko with its bulging eyes and sticky toe pads, allowing them to climb on walls. These critters could grow up to 5 inches long.

Are house lizards harmful?

House lizards will hide in cracks and crevices to hunt for prey at night. You may know one is nearby if you hear high-pitched calls coming from your living room window or backyard porch. Lizards are usually attracted to brightly-lit areas. While they do help eliminate pesky insects, some people still regard them as pests and don’t want them inside the house. Lizard droppings can stain your carpet floors, making it harder to clean.

But do these lizards pose any danger to humans? The answer is: “No”. House lizards may look like snakes and move very fast, but they aren’t actually poisonous nor do they cause real harm to people living in Texas. At most, lizards are only a slight nuisance to residents who aren’t fond of having to watch where they step. These scaly critters do often crawl over objects in your home, possibly spreading germs.

Where do lizards lay eggs

House lizard eggs resemble small white pebbles that are difficult to spot. Female lizards lay clusters of eggs in the summer, often in protected locations including the hidden crevices behind your furniture. It’s also a good idea to check underneath pieces of tree bark. Sometimes, they will deposit eggs in the soil, which is a problem if you own a garden. Pesticides won’t work on these eggs. Instead, you must remove them manually.

Or better yet, seal off the cracks around soffits and connected plumbing. Getting rid of the food source should discourage female lizards from nesting in your house. Standing water is a breeding ground for insects, which will definitely attract lizards. Place netting over your plants to stop lizards from laying eggs under the leaves. A temporary solution is to simply catch and release.

Removing house lizards

In terms of pest control, there are things you can do to prevent house lizards from getting inside your home. Remember to keep your house clean: Dirty dishes, unswept floors, overflowing garbage, and piles of old books provide food for many pests. Fill any holes or cracks that lizards can squeeze through with some caulk. Add a filter to any air vents you find. Don’t forget to turn down the temperature.

Professional Animal Removal

Commercial pesticides don’t affect these critters and if they are causing a nuisance you may want to call in the professionals. Don’t use a sticky trap to catch lizards because it can kill them. Contact Critter Ridder today to learn about our animal removal and exclusion services.